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Hey asshole

Something that your friends abusive dad calls you after you disrespected women

He dmed me hey asshole

by Crawlesdad November 1, 2019

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blow asshole

a phrase that means to empty your bowels, or take a shit.

"oh god, brb i gotta blow asshole real quick." or "wait just 2 minutes, i gotta blow some ass"

by 123conchstreet January 16, 2013

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Asshole Pleasures

Pleasures directly related to stimulation of the asshole/asshole region

Yeah Cindy knows all about Asshole Pleasures, that dumb bitch

by AbeForman October 20, 2008

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You asshole

it is the hole of the ass. A mildly stong word

You asshole steve

by Asshole.6 December 2, 2020

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Happy Asshole

1. Term used to describe an individual who is so totally oblivious to the world surrounding him/her that he/she can totally fuck up whatever you were attempting to do at the same moment. Even though you were right there. In plain sight. Staring right at them. The whole time. See Example "A".

2. Term used to describe someone who has WAY too much fun doing the most fruitless of tasks. See Example "B".

3. That odd fellow who has been living in a van down by the river, living off government cheese, who thinks that life "Shoo don git nah bettah than dis! (cackle, cough, hack, and spit)" Also has a "Homemade Bait" stand on his front passenger seat. See Example "C".

Example A: As Ajax was attempting to pull up to the pump for gas, that Happy Asshole pulled in right in front of him, got out, gave Ajax a friendly wave, and began filling his own car up.

Example B:

Ajax: "Clarence sure loves mowing his lawn, he has been at it for hours!"

Joe: "Yeah, but his mower doesn't have any blades in it!"

Ajax: "What a Happy Asshole!" (Smiles and waves to Clarence, who is grinning like a man with tits in his hat)

Example C: C'mon, we all know that guy. He has that wonderful aroma of old cheese and cat urine wafting around him.

by Cradar131 March 21, 2012

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asshole tagging

to tag yourself in a picture where only about 3 percent of your body is showing (i.e. hand, foot, elbow) purely for the benefit of having a high numerical value in tagged pictures on your profile page.

Person 1: Mauricio tagged himself in almost every picture in my Electronic Music Festival album
Person 2: Yea so?
Person 1:He pretty much only had half his face in the background in some of those photos and tagged his appendages in the rest of the pictures. He went on an asshole tagging spree.

by chamaquita March 30, 2011

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undercover asshole

someone who initially wins you over but behind closed doors they're completely different

Joel is an undercover asshole. He just moved in with Jessica so that he could get under HER covers anytime he wants.

by roadrice May 7, 2007

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