Used in elite social circles to refer to short people in a polite manner.
Slang: A derogatory term for people with small penis.
1. Jane : "Have you seen Ethan's wife? Poor girl is vertically challenged."
2. Doe : "OMG I slept with Smith last night and I shit you not, he's vertically challenged inspite of having a beefy body!"
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A dance invented by Blueface (rapper).
Many people on social media post their fails/success on the Thotiana Challenge.
I have learnt how to dance the dance myself. Its one of the main dances that the young people of 2019 are dancing. Its a new "trend" created by rapper,Blueface.
The dance is to grab the front of your pants, shake it a the band and do a wine like thing with your waist.There are different ways to put your hand/s., that's what the thotiana challenge is all about
Also, the dance is danced while the song 'Thotiana' is being played. The song is from Blueface. If u don't know what I'm trying to say, YouTube it.
Song lyrics: Bust down thotiana.
Bust down, bust it,bust it, buss down on the gang.( thotiana challenge song)
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Kevin is so ambitiously challenged, he jury rigged a pair of shooting earmuffs to hold his cell phone to his head instead of buying a bluetooth.
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The best Sailing School. Also boat building but thats for the nubs. snook AC nub sailing maine shithead
Yo, I'm going to Atlantic Challenge next week.
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A certain bastard who cant handle being more than 10 feet off of the ground without completely pissing himself.
Bill completely had a fit on the airplane. What an altitudinally challenged short-bus-window-licker!
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A person that is not smart enough to operate a motor vehicle safely.
John: "He just hit two parked cars, Did he get his license from a cracker jacks box?"
Dave: "he's very automotively challenged"
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one who doesn't care much for sex because of the discharge/s of bodily fluids (usually females!)
when john 'spunked down' and lisa saw spunk on the bed, he, thought he was going to be 'de-balled', she was effluentially challenged!!
sharon appeared less than enthusiastic about the 'mess' that remained after their 'work-out, effluentially challenged being that she was!!
judy about gagged when john spunked! she was extremely effluentially challenged!
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