the sexiest being alive or dead
"its jacob kirk the sexiest being alive or dead"
Jacob Ulrich is a guy who spends and extravagant amount of money for no profit
Did you hear Jacob Ulrich spent $50,000 on his car and can’t make it out of the LCS?
A really kind loving boy who tries to put a smile on everyone’s face, he is miss treated a lot of the time which isn’t fair as his kind nature and drive to help others warm the hearts of everyone
Me: I’ve been feeling really sad lately
Guy : yeah why
Me: I dunno just haven’t felt myself but I spoke to Jacob Peel and now I feel better
Guy: yeah he’s an awesome guy
Big lad with big muscles but dun out behaviour
Look at that Jacob fortune hies so fruityyyyy
Annoying and says stupid things a lot and has anger issues
He is so annoying he is being such a Jacob Free
Sweet loving guy, loves to have fun, and never turns down an offer.
Good boyfriend. A Jacob Marquez is someone you can trust, good at solving emotional problems. Can treat a lady with respect and is often romantic. A Jacob marquez is into sports or reading.
"Hey is that Jacob marquez on the tv"