July 16 is the day you ask your crush to be yours forever by giving them something.
Joe: Hey! it's July 16 already!
Ralph: Snap! I've got to ask my crush out!
joe: Remember to give her something!
Friend: I wish I could do the lottery
Me: Yea you could because todays July 17th
July 27th is national boyfriends day. And you should go appreciate him for everything.
Hey babe it’s July 27th I love you so much thank you
Julie McMahon is the type of woman that takes everyone's bullshit and keeps going because she still has bills to pay. She never gets the proper admiration from the right people. Fuck Julie McMahon's Life! She is extremely underappreciated and takes way to much shit for one person. She day dreams on a regular basis of committing murder just to get her through the day. Fuck these people who want to fuck with her day. She works too fucking hard for not enough pay but she will do it anyways. Sorry Julie McMahon your life sucks!
So glad my life isn't like Julie McMahon's.
itsyourfavgoat finally got all the colors right
(@ itsyourfavgoat on tik tok)
ur mom: hey, what day is it today?
papi chulo: what do you mean?! today’s July 14th! when @itsyourfavgoat got all the colors right!
On July 14th you can ask anyone out as a joke or for real and see where it goes.
Jake: Hey it’s July 14th wanna be my girlfriend
Kelly: Yes
Most American day of the year!
July 4th is almost here!!!!!!!! 3 more days!