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Louisiana Crab Dangler

A sexual position in which someone performs oral sex on their partner while doing an upside down backwards crab-walk across the floor.

Dude, she gave me Louisiana Crab Dangler the whole way from the kitchen to the bedroom.

by xvampirousx August 1, 2008

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The Maryland Blue Crab

A.k.a. The MBC. A type of sexual revenge for a woman. A man and a woman are having sex and the woman is on top. Right when the man says he's getting close to finishing, the woman jumps off, throws Old Bay on his genitals, and immediately leaves. Now what the man didn't know is that the woman has crabs. So now he has blue balls and crabs, all covered in Old Bay, Maryland Style.

Man1: Yo, did you hear how she did him dirty?

Man2: Nah, what happened?

Man1: She got him with The MBC!

Man2: No way! Not The Maryland Blue Crab!

by Buck Lawson January 25, 2017

crab in a bucket

Something that one will say in reference to society, that only makes sense to .5% of humankind.

Boy in Bong Shirt: So, with all of the lower SES portion of the nation eating that specific type of food and working that particular kind of job... its kind of like a crab in a bucket.
Adjunct Sociology Professor: Umm... YES, yes, it is exactly like a crab in a bucket!

by sosa4eva November 13, 2010

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crab drink

when Someone has lice on thier penis and you urinate in an unsespecting male or female.

"Dude I just crab drinked that sleeping girl over there and she didnt do a damn thing about it!"


by Tony Quipe October 29, 2007

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Swag Crab

An East Coast dance that originated in Northern Virginia in late 2009. It consists of short bursts of rapid leg movements. Some other moves involved are switching into various athletic positions. When used as a verb it is called "Swag Crabbing" or just "Crabbing".

1. Hey did you see Matt do the Swag Crab after practice?

2. We should hit the club later and do some Crabbing.

by SHS Mitch October 13, 2009

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crab rave

When two people find out that they both have crabs (a Sexually Transmitted Infection) and so they decide to have sexual intercourse, and their crabs meet and party.

You've got crabs? So do I! Wanna have a crab rave?

by PapaPoes January 1, 2022

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crab up the ass

an emotional state usually combining anger, annoyance, nervousness, or pain, in which the person is generally in a bad mood

She was acting like she had a crab up her ass after she didn't win the prom queen nomination.

by Brad Slocum May 26, 2005