A drink named after notorious alcoholic, Frank Gallagher, a Frank’s Tuesday is comprised of three 16 oz beers (of any brand) with three shots of dark liquor. The drink is supposed to be one giant drink and not segments.
-Hey! You want to get drunk?
-Yea I’ll have a Frank’s Tuesday
-Nah man I don’t want to get that drunk
Train Tuesday is where we celebrate trains and always have to use trains and not another transportation vehicles
Hey dude guess what!
Your gay?
No you dumbass, It is Train Tuesday
Cool right?
Yeah I guess so…
We have always said that the kite would be released on a Tuesday after lunch - Andy Wardley
A fun holiday that takes place every Tuesday.
"it's pickle tuesday"
A totes amazing secret club where awesome food is eaten and everyone wants to be in it
Person not in club: hey, what’s that you’re eating?
Tuesday club member: shut up you ain’t in da club!!!
Person not in club: (crying loudly)
On the third Tuesday of the month you cant have sex
Trevor: No its Tuesday.
Me:Did you just say No Sex Tuesday!?
Tony: make it a Holiday!
Gotta grab/smack ass day so girls don’t get mad when you get ya ass smacked or grabbed