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When same gender likes the same

Your gay

by X_ilovefood_X September 29, 2017

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2 definitions:

β€’ being a dumbass and a party shitter.

β€’ a guy smashing another guy.

1. Bitch just chug the beer!

*doesn’t chug it*
Ur so gay
2. *Two moms chatting about the latest tea*

Wow, you know your son is gay right? I watched him bang the shit out of my son

by Funnygirlincanada February 23, 2019

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Your mom

Your mom gay

by FuhrerPingas July 3, 2018

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What you are

kid: hi
you: yr gay lol
kid: fucking dies

by Professer. November 10, 2019

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BRAEDEN is gay

BRAEDEN is gay

by braeden is gay October 13, 2020

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Words that elementary children to high school use as an insult. No other meaning. Gay: your bad at a specific thing.

Person 1th: bro your gay at basketball

Person 2rd: dude. im homosexual.

Person 1th: man....
see- *Gay sex*

by I will give money to 5gum December 17, 2021

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Gay is when you don't have to say no homo after saying something gay

Person 1: **says something gay**
Person 1:** doesn't say no homo**
Person 1: **is gay**

by okfinehereisagoodpseudonym March 7, 2019

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