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muffin toast

A baked good sold in many NYC delis they have the consistency of a muffin, but the shape of a piece of toast, sometimes lathered with white icing on the top. They come in many different flavors such as chocolate, marble and carrot. Great for a pre drinking snack if you don't have the time to eat a proper dinner, as it will soak up a lot of the alcohol.

"Hey Max, I plan on drinking tonight. I'm going to have a muffin toast, how about you?"

by Phil Lockerby April 2, 2007

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crud muffins

1. To be surprised

2. "Oh, Shit"

3. Muffins coverd in crap

First guy: "Dude, did u study for the test today?"
Second guy: "Crud muffins! I forgot"

by Stealthcrip October 13, 2005

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muffin fucker

One who wakes up early on saturday morning for the sole purpose of furiously eating (fucking) all of the oven fresh muffins before anyone else can. They also enjoy fucking carrot cake and banana bread.

Bill (to Steve): That J.V. is a muffin fucker extraordinaire.

Steve: It's 5:30AM, better get down stairs before all of those muffins get fucked.

by shiteater9000 April 14, 2010

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tard muffin

Two goofballs acting silly randomly that have random silly conversations.

Alec: Lets go throw some of those nasty nuts that no one likes at squirrels so they eat them and then they spit them out because they are so gross!

Kelly: Haha! You're such a tard muffin!

by Tard Muffin March 27, 2009

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muffin steamer

A Muffin Steamer is when a person usually a baby has shit in his or her pants while sitting down or in the action of sitting down creating a huge steaming mess that sticks between asscheeks or muffins.

After my baby turned two weeks old, his muffin steamers got bigger and bigger.

by PamperStamper July 24, 2006

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dick muffin

A certain type of person that exhibits the epitome of being any/all of the following: a jerk, an asshole, a douche bag, a dickhead, a tool, a faggot (not in the homosexual sense), or a twit. Any single person cannot label more than five people with this because it is reserved for only the most heinous individuals one may meet. This term is applicable to a boy or girl.

"Wow, I definitely just added her to my list of dick muffins. That gives me four. Now her and her boyfriend are on my list!"

by irrelevent July 3, 2008

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Mini Muffin

An attractive young male who will grow up to be very fine indeed. Also could apply to females. Mini muffins are ALWAYS too young to date.

Damn Steve, check out that Mini Muffin over there!

Yeah mate, give him a few years and he'll be ripe for the picking.

by Jeremyness February 7, 2007

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