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it sucks

"I hate the High School, too much work and it sucks."

by travis December 9, 2002

33๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


To defeat emphatically. The lesson being that the schooler is better than the schoolee.

Player 1 was bragging about how great he was, until I schooled him with my AK47.

by Guinness2702 June 10, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. School is a place to receive a type of education.
Often derided by lower achievers and mouth-breathing droolers.
Necessary preparation for a life beyond the subsistence level.
Can be a very entertaining place where you learn about social interaction, cooperation, achievement and self-discipline.
May be public or private in US, or private or public in UK.
v. to instruct

People who don't like school often end up working for people who do.
He dropped out of school and couldn't even get a job flipping burgers.
She had to leave school after she got knocked up.
He flunked out of school, which is pretty hard to do these days.
She was schooled in the ways of Hogwarts.

by adam_before_eve April 9, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


seven crappy hours of our lives.

1.what school stand for

2.seven crappy hours of our lives


by stealther13 May 25, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


SCHOOL stands for:

kid: Teacher, I just thought of a way to remember how to spell the word school!
teacher: how do you remember?
kid: it stands for seven crappy hours of our lives.
teacher: good one!

by schoolsucks36 November 15, 2010

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a place where you eat shit lunch and recieve shit work

i hate my school Teachers they give too much homework

by Ghost of KT November 18, 2016

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A place where unreasonable teachers attempt to teach kids something useless that they will never need in life. Most kids think school is "pointless". Obviously these kids have more common sense than the teachers. Most teachers would never admit to that. Well guess what stupid, if you grew a brain cell you'd know that there is no point in putting us through our own personal hell. Some people who have been corrupted by the government might think "Since you hate school so much, why don't you spend all day slaving at a job instead?". I can say from full experience, I love "slaving" at my job WAY more than being trapped in a tiny desk for 8 hours with people who think they are more important than everyone attempting to cram useless information into my brain.

Most people who like school either aren't in it anymore, or just like seeing their friends which they could do outside of school if it wasn't taking so much time out of their day.

by newbzoors October 18, 2010

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