Rampant pollutants/filth/mold/other allergens in the air in New Jersey cause residents (and visitors of more than a year) to have constant allergies all year.
Oh you're sick in September? Bet it's just that Jersey Nose!
A type of nose generally found on extremely masculine, heterosexual men. Examples of Sting Nose can be found on people like Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford, Paul Newman, and on one gentleman in the San Anselmo area.
All my girlfriends and I agree that my husband has the sexiest Sting Nose!
Any drug thats brown, white, or clear.
Originated from Saint Louis,MO
Bill: Whats wrong with Ashley she's really going crazy like shes stuck
David: Yea man shes on that nose stoppa her ass been tripping all day
Bill : What is she on
David : Man i think her ass on that Heroine man
when you use your nose instead of your fingers to type. almost always comes out as a random jumble of letters that don't at all resemble what you meant to say.
Nose Typing: 89 np09kife3b5690 bt5gfr8debvgd3eu7trhyj6ghy9ere3
What I wanted to say (Translation): i love typing with my nose