Hey female i never meet send nudes
Please , sure if u Send nudes
Today is the day to send nudes, nudes to those who are looking for some fun.
Can you send to me?, sure! It is send nudes day after all!
Everyday is Send Nudes to D’Angelo Day. If a D’Angelo asks for nudes or to hook up you have to. No questions asked.
Oh shit it is Send Nudes to D’Angelo Day. D’Angelo asked for nudes I guess I have to send them.
on the 28th of October you must send nudes to your bf
Its National Send Nudes day 4 ;) so send away gf
When a hot guy talks to you and acts friendly, but as soon as you send him a nude he stops messaging you at all.
Person A: "do you still talk to ____?"
Person B: "he used to talk to me and I thought he liked me. But then when I sent him a pic he just stopped messaging me."
Person A: "...the nude n' dash"
Every girl needs to strip naked when asked.
Yo Girl, strip down its NATIONAL NUDE DAY.