Source Code


Refers to the location you were born in (Country/City/Town...)

i was born into this garbage country & i wish i had a better Spawn-Point

by Protix February 5, 2022

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Jizz Point

More commonly known as the JP, this is the point at which a male simply cannot contain his sperm anymore, and jizzes all over the place.

Girl: "Dont forget to pull out before the jizz point."
Boy: "You mean the JP?"

by KingJamesV December 22, 2011

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Pussy Points

A fallacious system of points accrued by White Knights by coming to the aid of a damsel in distress. White Knights accrue these points either consciously or subconsciously and believe that once enough points are accrued they may be redeemed for sexual relations with women.

White Knight: "Do not fear fair lady! I too believe that women only earn 77c to the dollar compared to men"
...later that night
White Knight: "So I stuck up for a woman today. Wanna fuck?" (Note: words actually used may be different, words chosen for effect.)
Woman: "That's nice of you. Will you buy me dinner?"
White Knight: "Sure thing!" (Thinking to himself: This should earn me enough Pussy Points to make second base!)

by WhiteKnightSlayer June 27, 2015

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Point Blank

another way to say period or purr

β€œMen ain’t shit” Point blank thooo

by Nicki.minajs.son September 1, 2020

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Hi Point

A drug dealers weapon of choice during a police stand off or a drug exchanged

Every drug dealer is or had conceal carried a Hi point during a stand off or a exchange

by the random idiot September 24, 2021

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Brownie Points

Some bullshit, inanimate currency your mom gives you when you’ve done something to win her favor or affection. Somehow related to the Girl Scouts, but she can’t quite remember and can’t relive her glory days, even in her memories.

β€œSweetheart, did you take out the trash and do the dishes without me even asking? Awh, what a good boy. You’ve definitely scored some brownie points today!”

by WINH4X March 20, 2020

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facebook points

Having a shit ton of friends that you don't even know just to have it listed as X number of friends you have.

Dude she has a shit ton of friends, 1000+ facebook points.

by chenzillah December 4, 2009

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