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the dirty seven thirty

having sex with seven men and or women at the same time

can't wait to turn the dirty seven thirty around

by Cracker Jack Jones December 29, 2011

Nineteen fifty seven

Also see: 1957
A birth year for people who partied in the 70's. Most all these people did drugs, had sex and listened to rock and roll! A person who was born in nineteen fifty seven, would become 52 in the year 2009.

"Hey, I remember her from the 70s! She was born in nineteen fifty seven".

by mpharn May 23, 2009

Seven Lakes High School

a high school located in katy texas, or more notably, a shithole. go here if you want people to ridicule your perfectly average grades and if you want pedophiliac teachers harassing you. this school sucks ass, dont listen to the niche ratings or the "wow, seven lakes is a top tier school!". do NOT come here, because everyone is fake as shit and narcissistic.

class of 2026


boy: man im so glad i dont go to seven lakes high school.
girl: i know right? i think i'd kill myself if i went there.

by lia_09 November 12, 2023

The Seven Goddess

A person who goes by the name of "The Seven Goddess." Most people think he is a female, but he is not female, he is instead a Seven.


Jesus Christ: Hey Seven Goddess, what's your favorite color?

The Seven Goddess: Seven.

by P_psi April 24, 2019

Seven Eight

It is pronounced as "qiba" in Chinese, and it sounds similar to "jiba" in Chinese, which means penis, and Chinese people often use penis as a swear world, so every time they want to swear but without using the real bad word, they will use "qiba", which is seven eight to instead.

Rude way: You are so jiba stupid
Polite way: You are so qiba(seven eight) stupid

by XuerenLyu November 16, 2021

Seven second warrior

A term used to describe a guy who doesn't last long in bed

Girl A: So I slept with Joe last night
Girl B: OMG how was he?
Girl A: He be a seven second warrior

by Hentacle January 9, 2020