In competitive reality TV, when a contestant is edited to receive little-to-no screen time despite lasting relatively deep into the game.
The term is named after Survivor: Nicaragua contestant Kelly Shinn (nicknamed "Purple Kelly"), who lasted 28 days before quitting the game. The show's editors took "revenge" by all-but-deleting her from the storyline.
Wait, you're telling Chelsea had only FOUR confessionals despite getting voted out in 8th place!? That's a purple edit if ever there was one.
when someone describes something they have and lie/mistake that it is actually something else they are then said to have a purple corsa.
No it isn't, it's a purple corsa
The act of holding your penis tightly as to cut off circulation while your significant other stretch’s the testicular sack while making bird sounds
I lost my mind when she hit her knees and performed the purple crow.
When at the bar and your friend spots a complete beauty for you
"Look at that gorgeous braud over there man." "Stevo, I would like to honor you with the purple hawk, thank you."
Purple tea is a potent mixture of psychedelic mushrooms and tea, most commonly used when there has been a large harvest of mushrooms. Tea is a good way to consume a large dose quickly
1. Billy: "you guys coming clubbing tonight."
Bud: "nahh mate, we've been hitting the Purple tea all afternoon, social events are out of the question."
2. Beven: "I think I just discovered the meaning of the universe."
Suzy: "me to!"
Beven: "word! lets drink some more purple tea so we can further discuss this discovery through telepathy"
A penis with a bunch of rubber bands tied around it while erect so tightly that it eventually bursts open from the erotic pressure. Usually prepared by first giving the victim 5x a normal dose of Viagra for maximum effect.
Well Greg won't be fucking your wife anymore. We gave him a purple popper and his cock blew right the fuck up. Also he had a heart attack, but 28 viagra will do that to a man.
A false promise, especially one which is on conditional terms that are difficult or impossible to check (at least, for the recipient of the promise), so that there's some measure of plausible deniability as to whether the promise was kept.
"They told us that we'd all get our bonuses if performance standards across the whole company rise by 15% this year. What a purple promise!"
"He's made us another purple promise in the election campaign, apparently he's going to 'help protect the environment' -- whatever that means."
The term originated as the name of an internal marketing strategy at FedEx wherein profit sharing bonuses are only given out if performance numbers meet certain goals throughout the whole company -- something which few employees would have the ability to actually check. Within the company, the plan has also been jokingly referred to as "The Purple Carrot (On A Stick)".
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