Thinking you're cleaver makes you clever, but say it makes you even more clever and and and..... Bragging about yourself is just farting in a wine glass and smelling it. But I guess you just think it's clever....?
Go for the lose and get cranky ya old goonbag!
Similar to getting stank on your hang low. However, this phrase refers to the flap commonly found on the hind quarters of flannel "long johns." To be on the receiving end of anal intercourse.
After noticing the sly look on his face Dan asked, "James are you getting your long johns jimmy'd?"
When management interferes with your job and tries to micromanage you, but you are actually more competent at your job than they are.
Hey managers, if you would just get out of my way maybe things would actually be done properly!
when you go to fight and you fade run ( fade run )
heavenly : run up and get done badger
therussianbadger : fuck you heavenly
When you find someone attractive and can see yourself doing intimate things with them.
You see how Lisa was looking at me? She must wanna get crushed!
When Hock E. Tan buys a company and systematically destroys everything that made it great
VMware is really getting Hocked since the acquisition