Two Homosexual dickheads, who do nothing but put eachother's meat sticks in their butthole and eat fruit milk while they 'nae nae' all day.
"eY lad, do you happen to know dan and carl?"
"yE fuck i do, They were in the twin towers when bush bombed em up"
"good on em"
At age 11, I realized my #1 passion in life: WRITING. Writing led me to film and video production and from there, I have built a successful media creation and integration business over the last 19 and a half years. Being a student of my craft, it eventually came to me that I can give more to my clients by providing coaching, training, and mentoring in the areas of: 1) How to Re-invent Yourself to your target market 2) How to Change Your Story to Change Your Life, 3) How To Create Blockbuster Videos On A Shoestring Budget.
It was soon apparent to Dan Fowler and all of his clients that his true gifts were in powerfully speaking to a crowd, motivating and encouraging the masses on hope to tap into their hidden "life adventure", and coach entrepreneurs on how to be the master of this journey we call life... PLUS... Give them practical and useful tips and techniques on how to implement these concepts in the real world.
I teach people how to truly change their stories, internally and externally, through video, through social media and fueled by the knowledge that Happiness is only a re-write away™
My company Red River Productions specializes in media creation and integration of that media into social media marketing strategies for small, medium and large size businesses, helping them maximized their Viral/Cross Populating Marketing campaigns.
All of my social media strategy blueprints and media work are "made to order" and I am very adaptable to any kind of situations that my clients may present to my company. I look forward to creating innovative and cutting edge media applications to propel my clients to the "next level" in their online and social media marketing ventures.
Specialties: Radio Broadcasting, Video Production, Internet Media, RSS Feed cross-populating, Viral Marketing, Social Media Integration.
A hairy lifeform from the south who supports canadians in every way possible. has been known to complain of being tired and go to bed early. Sometimes can be seen with an alien and a guido. VERY RARE speciman...
Guy 1: Did you just see that thing pass out under a tree?
Guy 2: Yeah, it must have been the elusive Dan sasquatch.
Man, i need to shave my pubes, im turing into a real dan sasquatch.
When the success rate says 90%, but really means 10%.
There's no way I should have failed....that's some straight up Dan Math right there...
A disgraced TV producer and Creator of Love Action Prime Time Nickelodeon Teen Coming of Age TV Sitcoms who a child abusing molester and The Biggest Douche In the Universe!
Two Friends watching Head of The Class
Friend One: Who's that fat kid?
Friend 2: Dennis Blunden
Friend 1: Who plays him?!
Friend 2: Dan Schneider.
Friend 1: As in bad tempered pervert "the Biggest Douche in The Universe" Dan Schneider
Friend 2: Yep
Both: What a Douche!!
Well known for his skill in sucking eggs. Dan can be found while being mobbed by a small man called John and a fucking smackhead girl called emma. He is extremely good looking and attractive and you are lucky to even know him because he is the best person I know❤️ He is also a certified Ming mong.
Dan: Don’t tell me how to suck eggs I’m dan mosavi for gods sake.
not weekly, monthly, or annually, he’s dan daly
oh look it’s that cool guy dan daly