The 3rd Principal Goliath, whom himself dominated and destroyed the Ottoman Empire. Believed to be semi-godlike, he granted immortality to the Bah family. He leads an army of approximately 67,582,000 Winstonites; who also serve under Commander Johnadu Bah, Princess Gracedu Bah, and General Enzodu Bah. His archnemesis, Oscardu Bah, attempted to revived the remains of the fallen Ottoman Empire, but was executed by order of John Winston.
Aaron: He's in site behind the desk.
Aidan: Did I ask though?
Pierre: No, but John Winston did.
Oscar: I'm short.
What happens when your main man just steals yo girl.
Damn, Spencer just got cucked by John!
Regurgitating into a toilet
"After a heavy night of drinking, I talked to the john for a couple of hours"
The name Mhar John was a leader man, it was natural in him to be the leader of all things rational and stance in all things he would act to make an assembly smooth. Mhar John was born to be the ruler of all things, that is to rule
A rapper who is amazing at rapping and gets alot of bitches.
Person A: Whats up John Shadow
John Shadow:Im amazing at rapping and get a lot of bitches
To do something in a greasy/stupid manner originating from a time where John Lennon had greasy hair.
John's rugs are greasy and dirty.
"are you going to wash your rugs John style? (as in not washing them at all)
John returned his ps3 several times coomplaining that his controllers where to slippery.
John Abruzzi is a major mob boss played by Peter Stormare in the show Prison Break. He was sentenced to life in Prison for multiple counts of murder. He escaped from Fox River State Penitentiary with the help of Michael Scofield and several other inmates. After escaping the inmates separated. Michael never gave Fibonacci's location. John, now a man of God went to his wife and kids and planned to go to Sardinia, but still wanted to take revenge on Fibbonacci. When he arrived he realized he was set up and surrounded by FBI agents, refusing to go back to prison he held his cross tight in his hands and said, "I kneel only to god. I don't see him here." He raised his weapon and was gunned down. Peter Stormare wanted to pursue his career in movies so requested his television character be killed off. Besides John being shot multiple times in the chest, it is unknown if he is dead (there is no funeral,or definite representation of his death) In an interview he said Fox had requested he come back as John Abruzzi. But Prison Break was cancelled after season 4 (two seasons after John was gunned down) Many believe he survived the ambush through the use of a bullet proof vest (not proven). John may have been a character in season 5, as well as Michael Scofield. But it is left open to the public, many believing John is deceased. Some proof that could back up Johns survival and return would be through foreshadowing when he leaves the group and says,"who know, mayb we'll meet again"
John Abruzzi survived
He was under the protection of GOD
The wiki says John is dead because he was never shown as a character again in Prison Break