Essentially you bust ass in the shower and the stench is trapped in the confined space with you. Since your gassed in the shower its dubbed the nazi shower
I heard tito have a nazi shower after eating animal fries from in n out, i heard him bust ass and for the next 10 minutes nothing but gagging
Some one who is just to damn good at monopoly.
God, my dad is such monopoly nazi.
German math textbooks that were used during the reign of Adolf Hitler in the Second World War, whose word problems often mockingly or sickeningly demonize the “undesirables.”
One 1941 Nazi math question is: “Every day, the state spends RM 6 on one cripple; RM 4 1/2on one mentally ill person; RM 5 1/2 on one deaf and dumb person; RM 5 3/5 on one feeble-minded person; RM 3 on one alcoholic; RM 4 4/5 on one pupil in care; RM 2 1/10 on one pupil at a special school; and RM 9/20 for one pupil at a normal school. Calculate the expenditure of the state for one pupil in a special school and one pupil in an ordinary school over eight years and state the amount of higher cost engendered by the special school pupil.”
25👍 42👎
Totalitarian or dictatorship-like
Due to events such as dirty deleting and harassment, the Facebook group gradually became more Nazi-like and began to crack down on its members who private messaged other members
someone that listens to every word you sing and constantly corrects you even if they are wrong.
rachel is singing in the car having a good time and Lauren (the lyric nazi) constantly corrects every word she sings...
a social movement that includes all Nazi feminists, karens, and white 14 years girls
the army of nazi feminism is coming, you have to hide gender equality and managers now or they will be in danger .... oh no what is that ?!
*white 14 years old girl join the battle!*
Political Correctness Nazi,
Derived from Grammar Nazi, but instead of having an insatiable desire to correct every grammar mistake, PC-Nazis would go as far as stalking someone's twitter profile and correcting or criticizing every single politically incorrect statement that they find(think/imagine), they also have the outstanding ability to feel offended in behalf of somebody else, even if they're not offended at all.
A: Have you met the new guy John yet? I heard he's filipino
PC-Nazi: Oh no, how could you assume their gender before asking? You should use gender neutral pronouns! and also, it's Filipinx, Filipino is oppresive towards women and is a product of the patriarchy and mustn't be used anymore!
B: Yo check out this kimono i rented for cosplay
PC-N: How dare you commit cultural appropriation! Kimono is an integral part of Japanese culture and you're white, you do not have the privilege to wear it! Take it off or i'll brigade with random twitterheads to cancel and doxx to ruin your career!
Japanese peoples: Uhh, we have no problem with that
PC-Nazi: Shut up! You guys are being oppresed, your opinion doesn't matter(isn't it ironical lmao)