Source Code

Bum zua

Describes the statues beeing on to much drugs.
Drugs like E's, speck or braunes and many more.

Oida du bist ja bum zua alter

by ChΓΌ April 29, 2020

Bum Beard

The hair growing on the cheeks of your ass, around your ring.

My bum beards so long I could dreadlock it

I shaved my balls, gooch and bum beard last night

by Rob_uk April 12, 2006

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Bum Plumber

Commonly used to describe a man (male) who demonstrates extrodinary skills in being gay (Homosexual).

Wow Rick you really are the gayest person I know, You Fucking Bum Plumber.

by BMOUNZ June 22, 2006

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spunky bum

An endearing term used for a girl with a butt so attractive you could jizz all over it...

'Hey spunky bum, you're Iookin hot tonight'...

by sss1600 March 6, 2015

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Egg In A Bum

similar egg in a nest and egg in a bun but the said person has homosexual tendencies

cor look at the barnet on julian, the way he's walking he must be a shirtlifter! he's a right egg in a bum!

by davethejag October 18, 2007

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Student bum

Typically a university student who doesn't do any work, generally refusing to pay anything for anything. Including haircuts. Often take naps during the day.

"Get up you student bum!"

by Student bum from preston March 28, 2005

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bum squat

The process of emptying one's bowels like an inhabitant of the streets would...best done in alleyways and on Sixth and Spring...

Dude, on the way home from the bar, I had to bust a bum squat.

by BS Fatonovich July 14, 2006

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