When someone has the mental capacity of a potato or the same habits of a raw potato.
Human 1: Hey potato brain get up!
Human 2: ..... *silence* .....
That's one potato brain!
Getting mad baked, lying down on a hammock,and watching the clouds.
I was potato gazing all day yesterday.
The Potato Empire is a glorious empire built by potato lovers in which they HATE Idaho. They also hate zoophiles and MAPs, and have killed many of them. JOIN US....
a potato thats in the sky, and it is op.
I had a hyperspace potato for breakfast
Pressing a wet vagina onto sexual partner's body, creating a stamp like effect of you own vagina with your come.
Ellie was potato printing on Mary's ass as she grinded on her.
A Try hard youtuber who's channel fails but still puts "potato jedi" as username in every single game and the urban dictionary.
guy one: i have a sick youtubee account.
guy two: you're probably just a potato jedi