Source Code

sexually dyslexic

def.a. a person who is confused with or by his/her sexual orientation. b. a person who claims to be straight, bi, gay, lesbian, etc. but by ways, means, or actions acts differently at times or all the time. c. a person who acts against stated sexual orientation in certain situations, or around certain people.

Ex A:
person a: "Shorty sure does act different around his parents!"
person b: "Oh, don't worry, he's gay, he is just acting sexually dyslexic around mom and dad, he hasn't come out to them!"
person a "Oooh! Sucks to be him! LOL!"

Ex. B:
fag hag a: "Watch out tonite, Shorty is being cuntfused!"
Fag hag B: " Oh great, another night of sexual dyslexia!"

by Krukedkukie May 4, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Metro Sexual

A man with a woman's vanity.

A man with a woman's vanity..

by Omega Death May 20, 2005

238๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sexual Camel

1. A man who is married and therefore denied of sex for long periods of time.

2. A male who has the ability to go long periods of time without sex due to being deprived of sex---usually as a result of being deprived of sex by a spouse.

Guy 1: You have been divorced for six months! You need to get laid!

Guy 2: Yeah, but I was married for 15 years! I am a sexual camel! I can cross this sexual desert.

by Pigue December 28, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sexual dynamo

Amazing in the bedroom (Sexual realm), each time she has sex with the same person it gets better and better, never reaching a plateau but forever continuing to climb.

This Girl Megan from NAU total Sexual Dynamo, im converting her to a Sun Devil, I need her down here right away.

by LoRy April 30, 2012

16๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Neighbourhood Sexual

If you are 100% into the neighbourhood without knowing them from tiktok, you are definitely a legend.
And if you are obsessed af like me then you are not straight or bi or whatever,
you are The Neighbourhood Sexual !

,,Whats your favorite song from The Neighbourhood?โ€
Ohh come on thats too hard for me because iโ€™m The Neighbourhood Sexual, theres no favorite song, theres just love to everything of them.โ€

by ___cancerprincess_. December 24, 2020

16๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

X Sexual

X Sexual, XEX for short (pronounced X).

Definition: When you hate all other human beings but one, your soulmate or significant other. There is only one person you care about. For the most part you do not get along with others or you enjoy being alone, you hate everyone.

I hate everyone except for one person, that is the only person I care about. I am X Sexual.

by 17x March 28, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

sexually frustrated

What 90% of the world's leaders are.

If Bush, Kim Jong Il, Bin Laden, Blair, Putin and Nasrallah had some TLC, they wouldn't be sexually frustrated, and a lot of wars would stop.

by FuckConformityAndStupidJerks:) January 20, 2007

1528๐Ÿ‘ 1391๐Ÿ‘Ž