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Moderator syndrome

The effect of being in a moderator echo chamber for so long you can only see people in two groups:

Those who suck up to you and assholes.

Large snorlax is currently arguing with people on twitter with his moderator syndrome in full effect. Poor his block list.

by Le Ender December 5, 2018

GCSE syndrome

When you are told so often about your gcses and what you need for them that you tend to spew random facts in inappropriate scenarios. Gcse syndrome also means you understand memes that otherwise make no sense.

Friend "bro i wanna jump off a cliff"
You "yeah i wanna do an eva smith"
Friend "bruh you got a serious case of gcse syndrome there"

by Speccy_nerd_xoxo November 9, 2019

SocialNetwork Syndrome

To labor under the illusion that information you post on Facebook actually holds significant meaning to your virtual friends.

First guy; "How do you spell Bacon?"

Second guy; "Dude, Are you seriously updating your Facebook status again? You have mental issues. You may suffer from SocialNetwork Syndrome Man and no one gives a shit about what you ate for breakfast."

by SoCalAndy January 8, 2012

fildez syndrome

Looking drunk,stoned, hungover or all three without being so.

After having less than four hours of sleep last night but with ten cups of coffee, I must say I've got the fildez syndrome.

by David Shum January 28, 2008

Stinkholm Syndrome

When you have become so used to a stink that you don't notice it anymore.
(although Stockholm Syndrome is affection towards one's captors, I think this applies, though it isn't affection, just acceptance.)

Geez. We've been in this room so long, I just realized that I can't even smell that gross trash can anymore. I must have Stinkholm Syndrome.

by liarliarliar April 22, 2011

Nerf Syndrome

Refers to gaming occurences where certain features, functions or abilities within a game (electronic or otherwise) experience cycles of nerfing.

It also refers to a feedback loop in game balance and development.

It commonly occurs due to bad reputations attached to nerfed items or abilities, which results in the abandonment of Y in favor of X. As X becomes more favored it appears to become OP (Overpowered) and risks being nerfed itself and thus repeating the cycle.

"They've nerfed almost every gun in this game because of the cry babies. Nerf Syndrome or what."

by Xzal January 8, 2015

Durry Syndrome

The instantanious sensation of needing to release your bowels after/during smoking a cigarette, also colloquially known in Australia/New Zealand as a 'durry'

This sensation can be amplified via many variants such as sitting down or consuming other light laxatives such as coffee.

Bro I really need to shit, this ciggy is giving me mad Durry Syndrome

by FremangoDingo September 10, 2016