Slang term for getting pleasured by in the hindquarters for small sums of money
I wanna hit but all I got is $50 and a Juul pod…
A phrase to describe how awesome you are feeling. A normal chicken wing is great, now x50 is beyond awesome.
"hey man, how are you doing?"
"like a 50 foot chicken wing"
A semi automatic sniper rifle used in Black Ops II. Commonly used by campers and wannabe FaZe clan members
Did that guy just take my XPR 50?! Get me my DSR 50!
A 50/50 Day is when you’re having a day that isn’t great, but also isn’t terrible. Some good and bad came out of the same day.
Person 1: Hey, how has your day been?
Person 2: Eh, I’ve had a 50/50 Day.
Person 1: Why’s that?
Person 2: I got a promotion at work, but when I left for the day I noticed someone had scratched the whole front end of my car while backing into their parking space.
It’s a juice you get from the corner store
Ex: can you get me a 50 cent juice from da store?
Try to hide a defeat by denying it - tennis
50 to 15 = it's almost a popular joke among tennis players
The size of your moms hole lmao.
Person 1: dude u back up at least 50 feet
Person 1: *crying in nerd pissy Fatboy*
Person 2: *becomes ultimate alpha daddy strong papi man devil wolf*