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Donald Trump

The manifestation, in human form, of the irrational fears of non-college educated white people in the early 21st century. These fears have to do with a demographic shift away from a white majority toward a more truly multi racial society. The fear and uncertainty this breeds- though having a small kernal of truth to it only in the sense that, yes, demographics are changing, are grossly and hysterically exaggerated by said white population. The core of this is clearly rooted in good old fashioned racism. As it is not culturally acceptable to admit to racism, the fear comes out as “Covid vaccines are a hoax”, “Mexicans are taking all the jobs”. and “Obama is a Muslim”- laughable, hilariously tissue- paper thin covers for what’s really going on.

1:Bob: The family that just moved in next door is slightly different than me in either appearance or cultural practice.
Sally: Donald Trump 2024

2:Bob: I’m not racist or anything, but Obama was a horrible president due to some small thing he did or didn’t do that has nothing to do with his race.
Sally: Ya, and Donald Trump was awesome despite all the lying, not doing his job, misuse of the office of president etc etc. But again let me emphasize WE’RE NOT RACIST- heaven forefend that someone might even imply for one second that we are even slightly racist!

by Kickolaus Nage October 13, 2021

4👍 373👎

Donald Trump

(1) Not the worst president ever, but only because James Buchanan bent time and space to be worse.
(2) Loser of the 2020 US Presidential Election.

Donald Trump lost the 2020 election.

by bruh17777 May 6, 2021

4👍 381👎

Donald Trump

45th president of the United States and A great American leader. Often hated for his sense of humor but should be praised for his honesty

Donald Trump gets a bad rep. But honestly I love the guy. He is the only one who actually cares about our nation and its future.

by Obiwan723 April 8, 2021

11176👍 4👎

Donald Trump

The ultimate loser. The biggest failure the universe has ever seen. His opponent can be the "worst ever" and he will still lose. Aliens journey from every galaxy to laugh at him.

You can boost anyone's confidence or cure the worst depression with 5 words. "You are not Donald Trump."

by Truth53 November 8, 2020

5👍 3084👎

Donald trump

President of the United States. Prick.

Wow are you going to vote for Donald Trump?
Racist scumbag.
Bro all I said was-
You hate the Mexicans you scumbag go die in a hole you racist motherfucker asshole.
Jesus Christ you need Jesus.

by That one guy who is never wron July 20, 2020

3👍 44👎

Donald Trump

The 45th president of the United States of America. Liberals go to bed at night with their stuff dolls, and sucking on their thumbs because of him. However, he’s managed to have zero wars, lower taxes, have the best employment rate while being in office. He’s exposed the Democratic Party has they’re nothing but corrupt politicians.

That Donald Trump hurt my feelings again, because he sent me a stimulus then made it to easy to get a job instead of live off the system! He’s a terrible man for making me become self sufficient.

by Gingersmack November 11, 2020

11179👍 6👎


Building a wall for the mexicans to jump over, just like when bill clinton put bombs on his favourite floor and crashed a plane into the twin towers

That kids weird, he likes donald trumping the white kids and the black kids

by RacistFunny September 9, 2018

3👍 44👎