A badass ride. A car you can take out for a blast and show off to your friends. Requiring minimal maintenance and maximum pleasure.
You gotta have a dirty whip that you can take out for a ride every now and again.
An apparatus used to inflict physical displeasure at social gatherings involving many inebriated persons.
Brooke Adams used that party whip last night, it was awesome!
Term for masturbation.
I caught my friend whipping the cream and asked me if I wanted it on my dessert.
When your masochistic Twitter sub purposely misbehaves in order to be punished. And you tweet a gif of whipping or other sort of punishment in order to pretend that you are angry.
That Toots keeps on egging me on with silly tweets, so I was busy all morning whipping toots.
Watery whip song by Mob Killaz is when you drive a sick whip to the point it's so fire it starts to be watery, getting the name watery whip.
watery whip, in the watery whip bitches, sucking my dick yeh.
Only cool people have watery whip
*Porshe passes by* "You see that car, that's a watery whip I bet he gets his dick sucked every night"
Guy 1: That dude just tried to whip me with his yarn whip
Guy 2: He should get a more effective whip
A sexual act involving only rolling the tongue around the tip of the penis in a circular motion, as if adding whipped cream to the top of a dessert. When he begins to cum, continue the motion and allow the cum to drip down the penis like the white whipped treat.
Instead of gagging on his dick, she just gave him a whip job.