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Cheese Throwing

the stupidly funny (and cheap) act of throwing cheese at cars, whether they be parked, driving or stuck in traffic.


Mike: I love cheese throwing


Mike, fleeing to avoid getting caught while laughing his ass off

by Hehe I cheated March 22, 2021

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Throwing fours

Throwing fours is an indication that one is extremely attractive and intelligent

Hey, look at those people throwing fours. They must be so cool .

by Lil seashell 🐚 July 3, 2022

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throwing the shoe

A saying which expresses the action of helping someone take a step further in life, a project, etc.

By giving her those notes, he's really throwing the shoe for her. There's no way she'll fail now!

by whyaren'tsocksfree January 10, 2012

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throw limbs

Banging in a car.

β€œI don’t want to be a dick but you wanna throw limbs while my girls gone?”

by Boyz cheating December 26, 2017

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snow throwing

When a girl gives a man head and then keeps the cum in her mouth and spits the cum in an upward trajectory so that the man catches it in his mouth, and then they make out. This can be done with a group.

1. It wasn't long after she finished his blow job that she started snow throwing to liven things up a bit and so he could get a taste too.

Its a fun game! For everyone to play, try it with a friend!

by spitball February 10, 2011

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game of throws

OverWatch Competitive mode, mostly before you hit Dimond Rank.

I need to take a break from Comp, man. I've been in Gold rank forever because of people throwing. It's a Game of Throws.

by Ziggy MADMAN March 25, 2018

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throwing lefts

the act of using LEFTS in conversation or story telling.

"Yeah, his story was really cool but I could tell he was throwing lefts the whole time"

by Anne Imuhl May 29, 2005

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