An African-American/Black individual who is notably a gay man/homosexual and sells drugs but usually always gets robbed. Doctor Peddlers usually have Low Potency Marijuana(Bush Chronic) which is one of the main reasons they get punked, other then the fact they are noticably gay through the way they talk.
Let's punk that doctor peddle muthafucka on the corner that we punked yesterday
Taken directly from the name of the main character of Diagnosis Murder, the act of doing a 'Doctor Sloan' involves solving, or helping to solve, a problem using information that by all accounts SHOULDN'T be useful at that point. Could also be described as a fluke of genius in unlikely circumstances.
Person A: "Fat Fuck Freddy has gone to the chinese takeaway without me and left 10 minutes ago. We'll never catch him now."
Person B: "Doesn't he usually order a number 116 without prawns?"
Person A: "Maybe. What's your point?"
Person B: "He never has more than a fiver on him, so he'll have waddled to the cashpoint first. We'll catch him there!"
Person A: "You sir, just pulled a Doctor Sloan"
Bird Doctor is mostly used by players from SCP Secret Laboratory, defined SCP-049. 'Cause 049 looks like a bird.
Player (Most Likely Class-D): Guys, run, Bird Doctor is coming.
Neil Patrick Harris's character in the mini series, "Doctor Horrible's sing along blog"
Hey did you see that emmy winning mini series about Doctor Horrible?
A person that has lots of patience.
OK, I've been waiting on Charlie for three days now. I must be a Busy Doctor.
Are you fucking kidding me!? Jesus Christ! This is horseshit! All that I do for you ingrates, and this fucking kids gets one!? This is the thanks that I get!? Un-fucking-believable! The Un-fucking-believability abounds! It's Un-fucking-believably un-fucking-fair!
Hym "Oh, yeah, sure. Just fucking give one to everyone but me! We'll just be doctor-world from now on! Just give a doctorate to everyone but Hym! And then you can make a movie about the only guy you didn't give a doctorate to and call it 'The sad piss-freak we all collectively decided not to give a doctorate to in spite of the fact that he was objectively better than everyone' I know... It's a mouthful. It's a little wordy. But it accurately describes what's going on here and that's what matters. First that bitch Taylor and now THIS!? YOU AREN'T SERIOUS PEOPLE! NONE OF YOU! YOU ACTUALLY EXPECT ME TO TAKE YOUR LIVES SERIOUSLY!!! You're taking deliberate action to spite me for not taking your lives seriously... AND THIS IS THE KIND OF SHIT YOU DO! REPEATEDLY! OH MY GOD! UGH! 😫 WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!? HOW AM I THE CRAZY ONE HERE!? Just... Just launch the nukes already... It's... We're done... We don't need to exist anymore..."
A unit of mass equivalent to 400lbs, as opposed to a regular saunder, a unit of mass equal to 200lbs.
Did you know Jon Brower Minnoch weighs in at a total of 3.5 doctor saunder (1400lbs)?