Source Code

God to All


Joseph is the God to All

by kimmykat234567890 August 23, 2014

Father of All

A Creator of Every Simple thing that exists. Gave human a very strong tool to create with Him and was existing above time and matter everywhere in Multiverses. He is the Greatest IQ and pure Love aswell as He is the biggest Judge.

Father of All please help me to fight my demons. I AM giving You my life becouse You are Everyone and Everything. Thank You for My Way.

by GRUBCIOHH March 13, 2023

Black and All

To be stereo typed with everything black :)

"Felicia goes to college, but she still stay black and all dat."

by Guerillahead November 25, 2015

All Originals

A Team Fortress 2 community started in late 2009/early 2010 by former members of the FuG gaming community after a few admins of the aforementioned community staged a "coup", taking over the game servers and website, and becoming Free Frag Network. A few admins didn't like Free Frag decided to create another community, the All Originals community. At first they only had a 24/7 2fort server, but that was soon changed to a "Back to Basics" server with most of the official VALVe maps. They soon added a "Smorgasbord" server, which had all of the Back to Basics maps with a few custom maps added. Later on a community member decided to donate his game server to the community, adding a third server with only Arena maps. Another member is working on getting a fourth server online, this one with both official and custom Capture the flag maps only.

You can find the All Originals forum at aotf2.com

by G-Force (not the movie) June 17, 2010

All better?

A stupid thing that a wife can say to a guy after she withheld sex from him for a week.

Guy: Blows his nut (after working his ass off to provide for his family all week). Wife: Oh my God that was great! All better? Guy: Lets go again!!!

by JoeyBomm March 8, 2022

2👍 1👎

alexandra alle

Alexandra Alle is a beautiful tall person that you would barely see on the daily, she may appear mean and hurtful but she is very nice and caring if she likes you, she has 3 annoying friends Hailey, Keeva and Elisee.

sam; "Alexandra Alle is that pretty tall girl over there!"
livie; "she is so pretty, oh my gorsch"

by alexandraboodoka October 6, 2021

hello all!

What Jim from Friday night dinner always says when he enters the Goodmans family home.

Jim: knocks on Goodman's front door hoping to see Jackie
Jackie: Opens door
Jim: Stares at Jackie for 10 minutes

Also Jim: Hello All!

by cely:))) June 8, 2020