Hope is a beautiful girl who has a LOT of energy. Not only that, she has a great personality, is a awesome listener, and just fun to be around with. Hope has beautiful brown eyes, a lovable demeanor and a attractive personality. She’s short but makes up for that by being cute. However just because she is short do not underestimate her will to beat the living shit out of you, you may regret it. Furthermore, do not ever argue with Hope! You’re unlikely to win even if you’re 100% right. And even then you might just let her win because of how persuasive she can be. Hope loves family, and friends when they’re not fake. If you ever befriend a Hope don’t ever lose her! You won’t ever find another person as caring and loyal. Finally whatever you do don’t give Hope alcohol past midnight. She can have a sip but if she gets more than that she is your responsibility too take care of.
You: I could really use some Hope in my life
Hope: Me too
Believing in something when nothing is around
I hope that the water flows back into the river .
someone who always changes their mind and opinions as a way to get constant attention; ie: capricious
Hope: Jack I like you
Jack: I don't feel the same
-after the chase-
Jack: I like you
Hope: I don't like you
The prettiest, funniest, most caring girl in the world. Anyone would be over the moon to have a Hope in their life. She will put you before herself any day of the week. Though she comes across as a blunt, posh bitch over text, she’s sensitive and heart warming and has a roadman side to her. Once you get to know her she will brighten up your day and be there for you no matter what. People are jealous of Hope and they should be- she’s literally perfect. She’s not one to give up easily and will work her arse off to do herself and her family proud. Everyone needs a bit of Hope!
“She’s so blunt over text but she’s stunning- I don’t know if she likes me”
“Oh she’s such a Hope- I bet she adores you”
She’ll do anything, anytime anywhere, any hole, anything goes
Dude I got with hope last night.. she rocked my world