Source Code

Pet Collecting

(The Real Life Equivalent to Pokemon Catching)

Essencially Bug/Reptile Catching but with Mammals

Basically you use Cages/Crates to Catch Mammals and Guns with Nets to Catch Birds

Then you Keep Them as a Pet Until they Die Where you Make a Taxidermy Out of Them for Display (Just like with Insects)

Some People May Also Use These Exotic Pets For Protection or to Fight With (Just like a Pokemon) While Most Just use the Pet as a Mythical Companion

This Practice of Pet Collecting However is Very Illegal in Most Countries

(More So than Getting an Exotic Pet Through the Black Market or a Farm)
So Proceed with Caution

Kid 1: Hey Look at What i Found

Kid 2: What is It

Kid 1: its a A Raccoon I Found While Pet Collecting

Kid 2: ill Give it a Treat if my Squirrel Can Handle Fighting it

Kid 1 OK Bring it On!

by baliebox4916 February 10, 2023



Person 1: Let's play Pet Simulator XZLKJHGFDSAPOIUYTREWQ

by Reason D Alt August 13, 2023

1👍 2👎

Eddie's Pet

A redhead with a collar and a lead.

Shannon is Eddie's Pet

by Solomundy September 9, 2023

office pet

A nickname for a person in the office whom you have a strong affinity for. Your office sweetheart.

Always knew I could count on you- office pet.

by anonymouslypostedby March 21, 2018

Pets at home

China’s local kfc

Pets at home is my local kfc

by Need roblox gf August 7, 2021

Pampered pet

A pampered pet is some one that’s in a relationship and don’t do anything to help or support. Just there as an added expense with no way to contribute.

He’s such a pampered pet he don’t do nothing.

by Dilligaf82801 June 25, 2024

pet bae-ting

Putting your pet front and center on your online dating profile to get more dates.
Borrowing someone else's pet to put front and center on your online dating profile to get more dates.

"Awww, he's not my type, but that puppy is so cute! I'm going to go on a date with him just to meet his puppy"
"Don't do it! He's pet bae-ting, and that puppy might not even be his! If you're going to go on a date with him, at least go on a zero date before you go on a first date".

by mephix October 5, 2022