It's when you put your arm around your friend's bag strap at the end of the school day and then you both spin around in circles.
It was the end of another school day, a dude was walking with his best friend to the car parking lot and he only had one strap around his shoulder so the friend put HIS arm around the other free strap and they together spun around in circles; the act was coffee seat as.
When one requests if a seat close to a person is awaiting to be occupied by another person. Usually the phrase, “Is this seat taken” is uttered in public spaces such as buses, planes, or trains; where supposed travelers may move together.
Person A: Sits on a bus seat
Person B: “Is this seat taken?”
Person A: “No, it isn’t”
Person B: Calmly, sits adjacent to Person A.
Nothing novel or humorous transpires to keep the readers interest.
bad or uncomfortable seats at the movies or any venue with seating arrangements
dude we got to the movie premiere late so we got stuck with the ''ronin seats'' (front row incapable of seeing anything)
The front seats of a movie theater where extended neck muscle straining leaves you sore and wishing for a trip to a chiropractor.
All the good seats are sold out; I guess we'll have to buy the neck breaking seats
A british phrase that means "Get a seat".
Usually used when you and a friend wants to get seats quickly
"Come on George! Lets cop a seat."
A pilot with 0 PIC time (pilot in command) who got hired at the top through daddies connections.
Hey did you hear about John? He scored a gig at the majors !
Yeah he is a right seat chump though.
Oh what a shame ...
Mooning, intentional or otherwise
When the bagpiper's skirt blew up, I could see his open seating.