The art of doing a favour and recieving nothing in return
Ah Cheers for covering that shift stu you've done me a golden
When making an idiotic and possibly drunken statement like "I'll run for president!" that ends up biting you in the ass
Guy 1: "I promised my girlfriend that the next time I was hungover on a Tuesday, I'd do the dishes for a week"
Guy 2: "Well tonight is Monday so I guess you done trumped up"
A sub-definition of you done fucked up
When making a drunken statement like "I'll run for president!" and your drinking buddies initially support you because you promise them stupid things like: "Then Rex, you'd be my Secretary of State"
In the odd case your initial statement becomes reality and you have an unwanted presidency waiting for you then YOU DONE TRUMPED UP.
Guy 1: "I promised my girlfriend that the next time I was hungover on a Tuesday, I'd do the dishes for a week"
Guy 2: "Well tonight is Monday so I guess you done trumped up"
A specification of you done fucked up
When making an idiotic and possibly drunken statement like "I'll run for president!" that ends up biting you in the ass
Guy 1: "I promised my girlfriend that the next time I was hungover on a Tuesday, I'd do the dishes for a week"
Guy 2: "Well tonight is Monday so I guess you done trumped up"
When someone asks you to do something but you won't do it so you respond with "I'll get it done"
Susan: Larry, I need you to clean your room
Larry: I'll get it done
When falling on your bum and breaking a bone, specifically the coccyx.
Oh my god, I've done a Bronni. Ouch.
when you go to fight and you fade run ( fade run )
heavenly : run up and get done badger
therussianbadger : fuck you heavenly