It’s when a guy cums on his hand and proceeds to shove it up her vagina like a stuffing a turkey.
Brad: “Did you stuff the turkey?”
You: “Ya bro, I stuffed her good.”
Slang term or masturbating or other personal sexual activities
Her:Hey whatcha doing?
Him:Stuff and things
When you are sucking off Delvin while Vex watches in the Ragged Flagon
Dude, I was just doing some thieves guild stuff in there.
white shit that comes out yo cock when u horny
daddy give me your white stuff
n. Mysterious anaesthetic agent that solves all problems... Patient awareness? Patient motion? Tachycardia? Hypertension? ... Inject the white stuff!
“Sorry to disturb your sudoku time doc but the patient is ...”
“White stuff! For God’s sake! Give the white stuff! What year are you in? Don’t they teach anything in Calgary?”
The allure of what goes on in a basement when people are elluded to the bottom of a house.
basement stuff was had last night, I didn't expect that to happen to them on that day.