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Usually a british name for sad depressed person

Dude i am not Ash im not depressed

by Hausbuch October 29, 2021


the wonderful, kind people that support music artist Ashe. This is the most supportive and wholesome fandom in the world

Ashes are the sweetest people!

by loesj February 17, 2021


Sexiest fucker you will meet, gets em hoes, says bet a shit tone, helped his mates talk to chicks (robbie) broke ass ni🅱️🅱️🅰️

Yo u seen ash puffing smoke lately?

by 420ganggang April 14, 2019


Someone who decides to like anime characters way too much, but is still a nice person to hang out with

Ash is simping over characters again

by Ploosmae May 7, 2022


A young shitass who gets off making your life a digital hell online

That is definitely a Ash

by Ambrose Man September 2, 2022


A young punk who makes your life a digital hell online

Man that guy is definitely an Ash

by Ambrose Man September 2, 2022


An ash is the kind of guy who will send you a dick pick 5 seconds after meeting him. Do not engage with an ash if you do he will manipulate your life until you think you are nothing.

An ash is most definitely a cheater but will deny it to anyone who asks and never gives you a straight answer to anything he will stop at nothing to get what he wants if that means stalking you on find my friends he doesn't care

Leave me alone! Stop being such an ash!

by Truthtalkerx October 5, 2019