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Ugly Banana

An elongated, taper-ended turd, often curved, resembling a banana.

"That's one ugly banana!"

by lunac666 October 15, 2014

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Loose banana

Term to describe a slutty guy.
Has relations with many females, often more than one at a time.
Either due to fear of commitment or adolescent playing the field.

Girl 1: Wow Charlie's gone out with a fair few!
Girl 2: Yeah, bit of a 'loose banana' our Chaz.

by urbanexplorer May 18, 2013

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Banana Taffy

A woman or women of underwhelming visual appeal.

"How was the club?"

"It was alright, but it was mostly full of Banana Taffy"

by Uno Jones April 22, 2009

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Banana Joe

A banana character on The Amazing World Of Gumball.

" Banana Joe if so weird"

by Bananajoe123๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ July 30, 2017

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Banana Rimjob

The act of using your tongue to caress a woman's anus,then proceeding down her gooch to the vagina,forming a banana type shape

"Man,I gave this chick a rim job last night,but it smelt like shit,so I pulled a banana rimjob on her and finished her off"

by Superman1223423 April 30, 2010

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Banana Juice

Male ejaculant aka CUM.

After I stuck my hairy fuckin' banana in between Maria's jugs, I gave her a pint of banana juice right in her yapper.

by Pepper November 8, 2004

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Banana Pancakes

According to Jack Johnson, they are what you eat when it's raining, and you wake up slow.

It's raining, I'm down for throwing on some Jacky-Jay and cooking up some Banana Pancakes.

by JackJohnsonFan April 9, 2011

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