The taking away of things including sanity life and items in a game
james throws my items away and it’s cyber bullying
Haz from Wave's World is getting bullied this day.
Guys guys! It's National Bully Haz Day!
Getting high by smoking marijauna
man they are getting bully over there
look at dave getting bully
The syndrome where your employee who thinks they are smarter that you, treats you like your a shoe shine boy, but you happen to be the boss!
My upward bullying employee just spit in my "Boss" coffee mug, again.
October 12th is the European “bully the guy who dosent shower day” (that greasy haired poor guy who dosent shower and probably has the same glasses he had in p5) on October 12th you must bully “the guy who dosent shower” or you face capital punishment (death).
Bully the guy who dosent shower day means you must bully him example would be (hey “guy that dosent shower” look a truck *pushes guy who dosent shower into truck*
someone who is toxic as hell -- while remaining convinced that they are a really good person.
It's a form of cognitive dissonance. "I'm so Zen, i couldn't possibly be mean!"
Ah yeah, Elaine's a total Zen Bully. She treats people like shit all day but thinks she's mother theresa.