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The male parent

I love my father!

by Faerie_the_Original July 6, 2023


A father is someone who cares for a child such a feeding the child.

Damien was his father.

by Dcde April 2, 2021


Listen, I don't know either bro. Better luck next time.

Son: Father, who was the first father?

Father: Son, God was the first father.

Son: If God is a dad, doesn't that make dad bods the body of a god?

by RazeUsAll December 20, 2021


An organism that leaves for milk and never comes back.

My father left for milk wonder when he is gonna come back?

by Dickriderking May 11, 2021


few have these

why do you have no father

by has a father August 13, 2022


a male figure that leaves when his child is born

your father is gone on some pimp shit

by gerald39+edward85 December 30, 2021


1. The person that probably produced you as a sperm
2. A supposed religious god/goddess
3. The nickname of the founder of Best Korea

1. My father likes potatoes
2. Our father isn't taking the China Virus seriously
3. We should bless the father for his doings in Best Korea

by imananonymoususer February 23, 2021