When a stranger text and you are trying to be nice in reply, or when someone says Hi and you have no freaking clue who they are!
If your parents are out. And you have the house to yourself, you have bonkers.
"I have bonkers to night so I will throw a party."
"I have bonkers come over."
I wanted to go to Fruit Salad, but I have cheese.
Can someone tell the new girl she has cheese?
When you have absolutely no idea at all; clueless.
Person A: "yo u know how to solve that 1 question on the homework?"
Person B: "i'll have a look" "nah mate i don't have a scoobie"
Having my ass is a phrase used when you cannot believe something. It is typically used in somewhat unpleasant situations. It is similar to the term deadass and can be used interchangeably
Cashier: The total for the three shirts comes out to $400
Person: Are you having my ass?! That's way too much I don't believe it.
The best virgin hair ever to be purchased on this plant! Anything else but dare hair is a insult to a humans head. If you ever want to add fullness, inches, definition, extensions, or length to your hair. You only need to Dare!
Girl if it's not Dare To Have Hair, it's not Good hair!
Dare Dolls are better!
If it's not Dare Hair, you don't got good hair!