IS ONE HOT SEXY BEAST(and loves bekah lynn ginn more than she loves me):)
Dalton Horne
A type of person who is really fucking annoying, and, should they be found trapped in a hole, they should be left there.
"Boy, that jackass is a real French horn player."
The corners in John Marshall High school that students go to have sexual relations.
Boyfriend: Hey babe you wanna meet at the Horn-Corn?
Girlfriend: Of course baby, let's get it on!
When your fucking a girl and when you feel a fart cooking up you turn her around and stick her face in your ass and fart making it sound like a broken car horn.
Art: "Last night I felt a huge one cooking up so I gave Tonya a broken car horn."
a calling for all virgins, if you yell "I LOVE WATCHING GAIN IGGAP HORN" in public, people will notice you and give you money to fund your cause of not knowing what youre saying, dumbass
guy 1: say gain iggap horn
guy 2: gay n****a porn
not PH, its a group of 4 weirdos.
Ab, Adi, Kw and Pra are the horn pub.