Source Code

Fey's Law

Similar to Godwin's Law, as an online discussion grows longer and more contentious, the probability of a Mean Girls reference approaches 1.

Unlike Godwin's Law, however, Fey's Law irrefutably applies to most life situations as well.

Examples of Fey's Law:

"This conversation is becoming increasingly irrelevant."

"Boo, you whore."


"Oh God, I have to chaperone my brother's birthday party."

"I'd rather see YOU out there shakin' that thang."

"I got a 96 on my test!"


by four_for_kreayshawn November 16, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


The law of pwnage states that anything that can be owned or pwned, will be.

I proved the law of pwnage by killing some noobs.

by someoneyoureallydonotknow February 3, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

unwritten law

Unwritten Law aka UL is the best band that has ever came out to the music scene. They talk about life and don't exagerate, they tell facts and real life. They don't talk about sex and being rich and a playa like every other band on the music scene.

Jill-- "Unwritten Law talks about things I can relate to."
Bob-- "Yeah, they do, I respect their honesty and good rhythym."

by sour April 20, 2005

64๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

law school

An institution that steals three years of your life for three times the amount you paid for in undergraduate school. All learned there is how to party harder and longer without getting caught or at least an effective way to argue your way out of trouble.

Man, law school is such a drag... but hey hey, i knew my 1st amendement rights.

by mystiquekitten May 14, 2005

218๐Ÿ‘ 117๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dalby's Law

Events will occur at the most inconvenient times, similar to Murphy's Law.

While waiting for a phone call forever, if you hop in the shower, they will call... Dalby's Law

If expecting company, go to the bathroom and they will show up... Dalby's Law

The waiter will always ask for the order when you are on the phone... Dalby's Law

If you have been waiting for your food for a while, go to the bathroom and it will show up... Dalby's Law

by Robert01 December 7, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nate's Law

This law states: When a woman is getting dick on a regular basis, without the stress of having to work for it (ie married, live-in boyfriend), she will gain weight. When a woman quits getting dick and has to go out or work for it (seperated, busted up, divorced), she then looses weight.

Dang, Julie can't escape Nate's Law, she has put on about 10 pounds since she's moved in with Odie.

by ndawg1025 April 14, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Goodwin's law

In 1981, U of I Professor Goodwin made the observation that Usenet discussions gravitate downhill.

He postulated that as the length of a discussion thread grows, the probability approaches one (1) that one participant will introduce the terms "Hitler" or "Nazi".

The custom has evolved that the first party to utter "Hitler" or "Nazi" has lost the discussion, and the thread terminates.

Goodwin's Law has been invoked, guys. I'm out of this thread.

by Fryth August 28, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž