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Smart and handsome guy. Who is well known and multi talented. Very well communication skills and extrovert.

Her:Don you know anyone who can fix this door
Him:Let me take a look I most likely can

by DonBC94 November 23, 2021


Atlas Papalazaros

person 1: is that atlas?
person 2: no, thats the don

by 🤝😆🥶 February 17, 2020


Don is a person that’s really like that and will take yo nigga or bitch respectfully & won’t go for none of that hoe shit.

Don is not a pussy!

by DaGirlDon December 4, 2023


means one true king. boss. idol.

you're the don!

by dmdmdmmmm June 8, 2021


A term used for a nicotine vape; commonly used by HK students

Jack D: “Yo dude lemme tap that fucking don

by JodiStupakovich April 19, 2023


When one is feeling extra dirty they use Dons instead of McDonalds. This is how you know if one is feeling abnomally greasy on a given day.

Damn bro, that chicks vag was extra wet on my momma. PU Dons.

by Dirty Don April 17, 2022


abdul and cade

dons are gonna make you klop

by glug.glug xD June 22, 2023