The utterly most weirdest boy in the entire world. He shoves his delicate fingers up everyone's booties for a living. At times, you will see this weirdo doing some fufu ninja tricks because he believes he is an ultimate ninja. For instance, sometimes he wall runs or do ninja signs. He is also the most mysterious child you will ever know. When his temper is out of control he smiles, which means you better run as far from him as you can because he will drop your booty.
Dude i think Paul Dinh is smiling
Oh no, we gotta get the hell outta here, i knew we shouldn't have talked about his gf like that
The purple clad assistant working under the supervision of The Administrator (TF2). She is over-worked, only being given one day of a year, and is a popular subject to The Scout's flirtation.
Saxton Hale refers to her as "Helen's Bidwell", referencing his own assistant and the P.R. manager of Mann Co.
"Right, um. We've actually met. Every week for... for the last year. My name's Miss Pauling? I- Nevermind."
~Miss Pauling to Saxton Hale, "The Contact" TF2 comic
"I did write down a last wish. I would like to get a date with... Miss Pauling."
~Scout to Spy, "Expiration Date"
A sex act which involves slamming "Atlas Shrugged" on your wang and using it to jerk off.
Oh man my first college roommate was such a tool that I swear to God I caught him doing the Paul Ryan one day when I came home early from class.
The act of collecting a woman's underarm sweat while dancing at a nightclub and smelling it, in order to better understand her level of interest through pheromonal interest.
I didn't get her phone number, but her paul-pourri was calling me
Is a phrase used to describe a director who is openly supporting the son of a former dictator. An enabler.
He used to be good, now he's just like a typical Paul Soriano.
The evil version of a guy named Paul.
I will defeat you, Shadow Paul.
American sergeant. Har drept mange folk med machete men ikke med bæsj i magen.
Hater sondrey. Ex lover: berit luremus
Paul jefferson er en handsome man med en great belly og amerikan