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thumb dancing

The highly concentrated act of manipulating ones thumbs adroitly to tap out messages on a Blackberry.

All that thumb dancing going on these days on the streets of Manhattan clog up the foot traffic as much as the gawker tourists do.

by Boss Brian June 18, 2009

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the Kentucky thumb

A sex position in which you use your thumb in one of said holes used in sexual intercourse

Origin from Kentucky ballistics recent events converted into a meme
Your welcome brandon

He gave her the Kentucky thumb that night

by Memes all day long May 20, 2021

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New Rule of Thumb

The new rule of thumb is the publicly sanctioned male violence against women that do not comply with the current ideology. The Biden administration has exacerbated this by claiming attacks on certain groups.

Swimmer Riley Gaines just got assaulted by a male for speaking up about women’s rights. This day and age, the new rule of thumb allows males to beat women for speaking.

by Le11223344 April 7, 2023

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Slip o' the thumbs

It's when your holding a cat and it wriggles and you sort of just, thumb the cat.

Gavin:So I was holding Geoff's cat and it wriggled and I, Uhh
Geoff:He fisted my cats anus
Gavin:I cant beleive I had a slip o' the thumbs

by Trainer_Yarn January 10, 2015

thumbs up πŸ‘

meaning your extreamly homo/gay!

*uses a thumbs up πŸ‘β€
β€œyour gay?, i support”

by yourmomismymommy April 17, 2022

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bite my thumb

The Shakespearian equivalent of giving someone the finger.

"I will bite my thumb at them, which is a disgrace if they bear it."
-Romeo & Juliet

by SonyaMontaPuPuPu May 23, 2008

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thumbs up whore

A sad person who asks for thumbs up on their youtube comment. Usually the comment contains "thumbs up if"

Thumbs up if you hate thumbs up whores!

by inventorofthumbsupwhore July 1, 2010

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