Source Code


Set of rules to live by; a code of conduct for surviving on the streets.

I live by the g-code, I die by the g-code
don't rat, don't snitch, don't bend, don't fold--B.G. "Heart of da Streetz"

by sookiefry1 October 5, 2005

569πŸ‘ 217πŸ‘Ž

G Unot

Anti G-Unit movement started by rap artist The Game, who is actually signed to Geffen Records, not, as many believe, Black Wall Street. BWS is The Game's "clique". Just as 50 Cent has G-Unit, Big Punisher had Terror Squad, and 2Pac had the Outlawz.

The major starting point for G Unot was the 14 minute song "300 Bars 'n' Runnin'". Shortly after its release, The Game led a large protest outside the G-Unit Records building. It involved local O.Gs, along with BWS members, brandishing G-Unot signs with pictures of crossed out rats, and the slogan "Gangsta U Not". Abuse was shouted at G-Unit through megaphones, and it is alleged that The Game produced a handgun, and fired several rounds into the building.

G- G- G- G-uNOT
Yeah muthafuckers, you know who it is...Nu Jerzey Devil

"...you sell records, but a g-g-G Unot"

by G-Unit Jake August 17, 2006

208πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


Short hand for the worlds largest retailer of video games. Game Stop or G-Stop, or G-Stizzle or even Gizzle-Stizzle is easily the best places to pick up video games because unlike some 24 hour mega stores (I'm not gonna say any names but I'm thinking of a store whose name rhymes with ball-fart), the employees are actually hired based on game knowledge instead of being bounced from the meat department for cutting off their pinky.

Man 1: Where'd you go to pick up this game?
Man 2: Well first I went to an electronics store and some dude kept trying to sell me a paper shredder so I left and went to G-Stop, and the people there where actually informative and knowledgeable. I was able to pick up a used copy for much cheaper then a new one and when I finish it I'm going to pick up that new game that’s about to come out.

by I got you back September 12, 2009

111πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

G Fuel

Typically used by fps gamers. Almost like Red bull

Use code "ACAI" to save 10% off your next G Fuel purchase!

by TNTCr3at10ns August 27, 2018

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

G shyne

G shyne aktually originated in Brooklyn and was originally called GKB (Gangsta Killa Bloods); one of the original east koast Blood sets. The name was khanged after finding out that there was a krip-aligned gang kalled Gangstas Killin' Bloods on the west koast. The new name reflekted our Blood allegianke as well as our east koast roots

I'm proud to klaim G shyne as my set

by Afrika031 April 12, 2007

277πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž

G macking

To chill, relax.

Guy 1: What you doing???

Guy 2: Nothing G macking you??

by Perrone 0.0 July 24, 2009

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


G-mood originating from america, is the african american word meaning loser.

why do you hang around with those g-moods?

by Katie March 7, 2005

23πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž