unless ultimately needed in times of unexplainatory times DO NOT USE
Joey: hey Ryan
Joey: ur mom gay
Ryan:no u
*Brian walks in*
Brian:you sissies fighting
Joey: shut up fag
Brian: you asker for it, ur bikes a dyke
* time itself is ruptured as everything is consumed by one implosion that eventually turns everything into a blank abyss as god himself sits astonished*
Essentially your asshole which is holding back a sea of shit from flooding your pants
Excuse me for a moment it seems the shit dyke is about to bust
A masculine lesbian who dresses like a blast from the past.
Big long shirts
Large jeans
Tube socks, with Nike shoes
Have no present/ updated style or swag.
They look like the old chingy or nelly
That girl over there looks like a 2007 dyke, did you see her long polo shirt ?
Defeats any roast may make world implode when spoken.
Only use when roasts get to strong.
Daniel: Your mom gay lol.
Me: Don't make me do it..
Tabby: Your dad lesbian.
Me: I swear..
Ash: Your granny tranny
*world implodes*
A woman who is married to a man for 40 years comes out to be lesbian.
David, I am going to have to leave you because I am a dick ditching dyke
A small person usually 2 foot tall and 7 feet wide that looks like a man
Earlier today jimmy was walking and that dyke dog fell on him, he had to go to the hospital.
In a butch lesbian, the "dyke rack" is the opposite of breasts (rack), which are typically associated with femmes; the dyke rack refers to the region of the crotch; for example, it can be represented as a picture of a butch lesbian's fully-clothed crotch (often taken while packing).
Giirrrl, check out the dyke rack on her! She's definitely packing tonight!