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upper case gums with lower case teeth

When someone has messed up teeth and none are missing including some baby teeth.

Used to describe when someone has some jacked up teeth. Especially when they have all of their adult teeth and still have baby teeth that never fell out but just cramped together. “That bitch has some upper case gums with lower case teeth.”

by RU4BN8 April 9, 2023

Gum Ball

When you hit someone in their nuts with a baseball bat

I gum balled him and he was dramatuzed

by Ralph Pompey jr November 4, 2019

Gum Ball

When someone comes and hits you in your nuts with a baseball bat

I Gum Balled him and it was painfull

by Ralph Pompey jr November 4, 2019

gum up

slang for chewing some gum during lunch at school

"Let's gum up."

by phineasandferbfan2025 January 2, 2025

Chinese Chewing Gum

Another word for chewing tobacco

T-bag Let me get a Dab of some Chinese chewing gum

Jamal Humpherys- I got you bro

by Jamal Humphreys 288 August 9, 2016

Gum Barrel

A better way to say mouth and can mean throat as well.

damn girl let me put my millimeter peter in yo gum barrel

by water my gum barrel January 28, 2019

.gum eht teG

Your boredom is too much that you type "Get the mug." backwards, you have to stop, get out of this website, and take a rest

Person 1: "Oh boy. I'm really bored, instead of doing my homework. I'm gonna type out "Get the mug." from urban dictionary backwards on urban dictionary! so it's typed like ".gum eht teG"!"

by they're published December 31, 2025

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