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Jesus Christburger

Extreme confusion or happiness beyond normal words

Jesus Christburger you guys, i have glitter on my dick

by Smokahontus January 3, 2011

Hooked on Jesus

crazy church goer
one that takes the longest to testify

She couldnt stay for the movie because she had to go back to church.. Yo she hooked on Jesus

by glorray February 19, 2010

sneaking jesus

One who is god like in the art of sneaking into queues or other such waiting situations. Also if they are proficient in the act of stealing the last of any given item of value.

''That guy just stole the last parking space. What a sneaking jesus!''

by Spunky Punch February 2, 2010


Noun: The handle located directly above passenger seat doors which can be grabbed when divine intervention is required.

"The car slammed its breaks and Allan grabbed the Jesus-handle."

by Alison A. September 27, 2009

Jesus Chris

jesus christ without the t

hey guys its jesus chris, its without the t

by JesusTheDestroyer420 July 1, 2020

Jesus Chicken

The slang term for a chain of fast-food restaurants called Chik-Fil-A. Usually used in a derogatory term to refer to their strongly Christian policies (being closed on Sundays explicitly for their employees to attend church), anti-gay policies and extremely large financial contributions to anti-gay-rights bills and amendments, both of which stem from the owners' interpretations of their denomination of the Christian bible.

I'm hungry, wanna go get some Jesus Chicken?

by Joreth June 3, 2011

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Jesus Antenna

The hands up in the air that evangelical christians hold up while singing and praying.

Look at that crowd in the amy grant video! Every single one of em is holding up a Jesus antenna!

by Pray4rain October 24, 2010

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