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Le Nam Kautzner

He is sexy and hot he is strong and pretty he’s the perfekt man for live people wish they were him

Le Nam Kautzner

by Le Nam Kautzner May 20, 2021

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mari le roux

the best person ever, not so good at bedwars but is pretty and rejects me everyday 😁

have u met mari le roux because she’s mine πŸ˜‡

by pip<3 June 24, 2021

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shia le bouf

Conor is shia le bouf

Hey COnnie boy

Conor is shia le bouf

by derpyderp12 May 4, 2018

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PepΓ© le pew

PepΓ© le pew: a joint rolled with a mix of Mexican skunk weed and cocaine or heroin.

Hey is that regular skunk weed? No bro it's that pepΓ© le pew. It's sprjnkled with some dust yo!

by Bmfuckinhall February 2, 2017

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pp in le nigga

slang for 2 gay black men having anal.

Chad: "Bro, i saw Barton get the pp in le nigga"

Tim: "Bro, i was there it was crazy."

by YAchuu November 6, 2019

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C'est le tarif

Phrase used to say it's a punishment for a ridiculous attitude or appearance.
You can also say "prendre son tarif" .

- Pourquoi tu te moques de ma robe ?
- Parce qu'elle est hideuse ! C'est le tarif .

-Why are you making fun of my dress ?
- Because it's awful ! This is your sentence

Avouz quand mΓͺme que les flics prennent leur tarif, les pauvres.

by Djodjo06 January 2, 2015

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J'ai le seum

Origin: French; to be disapointed, sad about something...

See also: Avoir le scum

Origin: Frenglish (Franglais); same meaning but more specific (can only be used in a case of overflow of sperm in your balls)

Example: "My penis fell off! J'ai le seum (I have the seum)!"

Example: "I have an overflow of sperm in my balls! J'ai le scum (I have the scum)!"

by Platypus360 July 10, 2013

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