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Don't choke on the peanut butter.

1) In relation to a Cleveland steamer, a phrase used to encourage the pooper to produce more focal matter.

2) An encouragement to someone about to eat ass.

1a) "Don't choke on the peanut butter babe, I want that shit in all my pores."

2a) "Sorry hun I forgot to wipe, don't choke on the peanut butter."

by chuckman13 March 12, 2019

Peanut butter and clown nose

The finding of evidence that you were cheating on a significant other!

I saw your peanut butter and clown nose on the nightstand! It’s over.

by The aj gains November 28, 2020

reverse sided double peanut butter

Some wierd shit Isaac says

If shes mad at you, you should just hit her with that reverse sided double peanut butter.

by The increased gay September 15, 2018

Peanut Butter Lover

Another name for trailer trash in the hills of Tennessee who love to tug on ears of humans and dogs to encourage them to lick the peanut butter.

Come on Banger you peanut butter lover let me pull yo ears tween my legs. Slurp, Slurp.

by Sharika M. Goldstein October 3, 2009

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