Source Code

Turtle Brownie

The act of applying used wet turtle brownies to a big brownie whilst brownies are hot.

Kevin dexterously performed the hottest turtle brownie of all time.

by TounguePuncher April 19, 2019

Bridget brownies

Under cooked brownies because someone turned the oven off halfway through baking them. Gross.

Make sure you cook the brownies all the way through, we wouldn't want to have bridget brownies again.

by the_plateau March 19, 2010

Blondie Brownie

A blonde haired male that has a very brown anus.

I was like "Why does Ricky need to bleach his bum at all, he's such a blonde dude?" Then he told me he's a blondie brownie.

by RickySStuntDouble May 22, 2017

Nose Brownie

When a male and female are 69ing and the male unintentionally penetrates the female bum with his nose. Thus winding up with clogged nostrils.

Jackson: Bro I got with Ceri the other day and got such a bad Nose Brownie.

Hunter: That’s ‘shitty’

by Poopassjackson August 21, 2019

Brownie Squeezing

Taking a dump ontop of your p artner while quenching you buttcheeks while you do a satanic rituals.

I did some brownie squeezing with your sister,Will

by TheHulkangre September 16, 2015

smug brownie

(n.) A serious Pucker hole
A blondie after it passes through the intestines.
Also five-of-a-kind in card game.

I 'm goin' upin ' dat smug brownie.

by midikurlips March 20, 2019

Lexy Brownie

A Cum Swapping Cum Bucket that wants n loves as many cocks up her n in her bucket so she can swirl n twirl the cum round with her fingers before making a Buk Kake with it.

Look over there is that Bex or Lexy Brownie? Shes taking on 50 blokes at once n looks like there 20 cocks up her Cum Bucket n the cums oozzing out her nose and ears whilst she bakes a Buk Kake.

by Dann Mann February 16, 2024